5 Proven Exercises for Inspired Minds

Overhead view of laptops at a table.

As marketers, experience designers, audience creators, and digital strategists, we can tap into unlimited creativity in order to do our jobs innovatively. But what happens when you hit a creative roadblock? What do you do when your focus feels narrowed or you’re stuck within the confines of a brand or community? 

Unlike other skill sets, creativity can ebb and flow, so it’s not always at your fingertips when you need it most. Fortunately, there are ways you can jumpstart creative juices so that you’re not at a loss when your team or leadership requires it. 

Here are five actionable exercises that will help you broaden your creativity:

  1. Make a Collage

Using free digital tools like Pinterest or Canva, create collages or mood boards that represent the essence of the audience, ideas, or goal you are trying to achieve. If you prefer old school methods, you can break out scissors and old magazines for the same effect. A visual version laid out in front of you can inspire further discussion and strategies that can be utilized to capture the spirit of what you’ve created in your collage. 

2. Use AI as a Jumping Off Point

If you’re feeling extremely stuck, turning to AI services like ChatGPT can help; prompt the software to help you look at the topic from a different perspective or ask it for inspiring suggestions. Even if what it suggests isn’t helpful, it might spark better ideas within you as you start brainstorming. Remember that AI requires a human touch – don’t use whatever it spits out word-for-word. Double-check any data or statistics and rework any content so it’s usable for your brand voice.  

3. Hashtag Scavenger Hunt

Explore trends and engagement strategies for your brand, idea, or audience by zeroing in on a couple different hashtags within your industry. The more unique the hashtag, the better. Make sure to explore multiple different social media channels, sifting through your chosen tags and taking note of engaging content or successful campaigns. Use this scavenger hunt as a launchpad for your own creative ideas.

4. Change Your Environment

Reenergizing your creativity can sometimes be as simple as a change in environment. Instead of working at your desk, head to a coffee shop or common area. If you usually work alone, try co-working with a team member (virtually or in-person). If accessible to you, getting up and going on a brisk walk while mulling over the idea or goal can create literal momentum. Shake up your physical space to stimulate more creativity and freer thinking. 

5. Reverse Brainstorming

Instead of trying to figure out solutions to problems or generating new ideas based on your goals, do the reverse. Start out by identifying a problem and figure out ways to compound it. For example, if you are trying to rebuild a brand, brainstorm ways to thoroughly and effectively destroy a brand. Then, reverse the actions and engineer creative solutions to solve the challenges you yourself have outlined. 


While having a creative block can be frustrating, it’s not futile. There are ways to prompt creative thinking that allow you and your team to jump back into whatever marketing, engagement, or experience you are designing. 

Still feeling stuck? NEWaukee can help! Contact us today to see how we can help your brand with creative, out-of-the-box thinking and design.


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